Sharing experiences 2011-2015 and future outlook
Start-ups and young companies have an increasing impact on innovations in Life sciences & Healthcare. The Science Meets Business program has supported, facilitated and stimulated start-ups since 2011. During the meeting experiences of regional start-ups will be shared and a future outlook will be presented.
Date: Tuesday January, 26, 2016
Time: 15:00-17:00 hrs (doors open 14:30 hrs)
Location: Novio Tech Campus, in the SMB Meet & Greet, building M, Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (directions)
14:30 Registration
15:00 Welcome: Cees Buren MBA RC, member Board of Directors/CFO Radboudumc
15:10 SMB Life Sciences: Looking back and into the future: Dr. John Schalken, Program Director SMB Life Sciences
15:25 MDxHealth, best in class Prostate cancer diagnostics. NovioGendix fits in that mission: Dr. Jan Groen, CEO MDxHealth & Prof Dr. Jack Schalken, co-founder NovioGendix
15:55 Start ups SMB incubation program
– Innatoss: Dr. Anja Garritsen, CEO
– TropIQ Health Sciences: Dr. Koen Dechering, CEO
– Avivia: Dr. Hans Platteeuw, CEO
16:40 Fighting Amyotrophic Lateral Scleroses (ALS): Dr. Inez de Greef, CEO Treeways
17:00 New Year Reception Kadans Science Partner
Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!