Dear Madam/Sir,
It is our pleasure to invite you to our annual symposium at the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM), Radboud University on Monday 30 October 2017.
Join us at the yearly sIMMposium to meet our researchers and to learn more about our research and institute in plenary presentations, lab tours, meet and greet sessions, a fire side chat and a dinner!
Monday 30 October 2017 in the afternoon
in lecture hall LIN2 Linnaeus Building. Visiting address: Heyendaalseweg 137, 6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) is an interdisciplinary research institute in chemistry and physics at Radboud University. Our mission is to perform fundamental research and train the next generation of leaders in science and entrepreneurship at the highest international standards.
Our research focuses on the fundamental interactions between molecules, the chemistry of complex, life-like molecular systems and the properties of matter emerging from quantum effects. Our scientists make use of unique research facilities such as the international user facilities High Field Magnet Laboratory and FELIX Laboratory, and extensive NMR, Scanning Probe and Laser Facilities.
We hope to meet you @ our sIMMposium!
Theo Rasing, Director IMM
Freya Senf-Huijgen, Managing Director IMM