Recording SMB-meeting: Supporting startups to create a significant impact

The topic of the SMB-meeting today was startups and startup communities. Nijmegen is strong in science for healthcare in areas like drug discovery and digital health. However, science alone is not sufficient to create an impact. Which is the core value for Radboudumc: To have a significant impact on healthcare. To kick off this event Mark Janssen from the board of Radboudumc provided a short introduction on the vision of Radboudumc towards the combination of science and entrepreneurship and will stress the importance of this combination.

In the next part of the SMB-meeting Nico Karsemeijer gave an interesting presentation about Screenpoint and their innovation to detect breast cancer in an early stage. Screenpoint is now a leading AI company but was once a startup originating from Radboudumc. They focus on improving breast cancer survival rates by detecting cancers earlier and making treatment more effective and less invasive.

After Screenpoint Sven the Cleijn from imec.istart informed us on the accelerator program they run in Belgium. Imec is the worldleading R&D and Innovation Hub in Nanoelectronics and Digital Technologies. Sven explained how imec will bring this program to the Nijmegen region. They are more than welcome as we think this program is precisely the kind of program we need in a complex sector like healthcare.

Corne van den Kieboom from XHeal Diagnostics was next up. This startup, that also originated from Radboudumc. Xheal Diagnostics has developed the Modular Breath Sampler. A non-invasive sampling device to sample the lower respiratory tract.

After the presentations given by the innovative companies, the final presentation was from Joram Sjoerts, director of the knowledge transfer office who will present about the role Radboudumc wants to play in the stimulation and creation of health startups.

You can watch the presentations by this link.

Below you find the recording of the meeting:



SMB-meeting Supporting startups to create a significant impact

Date: May 20th, 2021
Time: 16:00-17:00 + online networking
Location: Online
Nijmegen has a strong position in research with Radboudumc, Radboud University and some large research departments of High Tech (semiconductor) companies. In total almost 10.000 researchers work on future solutions in Nijmegen. But of course, research alone is not enough to create a signicant impact on society. For this also entrepreneurship is of paramount importance.
At Novio Tech Campus, Radboudumc and Mercator Science Park many young and vibrant startups in digital health, high tech and pharma are successfully growing their business and company. Some of whom are supported by Briskr, Mercator Launch, Startup Nijmegen and other initaitives.
At the SMB meeting of 20th May we will present the current status and future plans to stimulate entrepreneurship in the region in Health & High Tech;
Mark Janssen, member of the board of Radboudumc, will stress the importance of entrepreneurship (next to research) to create a significant impact on healthcare.
Sven de Cleyn, managing director of imec.istart will elaborate on their plans to bring their acceleration program to our region.
Joram Sjoerts, director of Radboudumc Valorisation, will give a presentation on how Radboudumc, with the help of the valorisation department, stimulates researchers to start up companies and bring the research to the market.
– And last but not least, two existing startups related to Radboudumc (Screenpoint Medical and Xheal Diagnostics) will share their experience as entrepreneurs to create a startup in the Nijmegen ecosystem.
Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!

Registration is closed, but click here to join Zoom meeting

Passcode: 20052021 (=event date)
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Presentations and recording Innoboot: Food for Health!

The presentations and recordings of the Innoboot2021: Food for Health! are now available. Yesterday the teams from Briskr, Foodvalley NL, HAN & Radboud University organised the annual Innoboot.

‘You are what you eat.’ We know this for a long time but still food intake has received little attention from the perspective of healthcare professionals. In various plenary and sub-sessions, we discussed Food for Health, from how to prepare patients properly for operations, food innovations & round table discussions, to encouraging consumers in supermarkets to eat more healthy food.

Connecting science and business is an important aspect of the Innoboot event. More recordings you can find here, and the presentations are on our website. Please click here for the presentations.


Innoboot 2021; Food for Health!


Date: April 22, 2021
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (login at 13:25)
Location: Online event
You are what you eat’ is a statement that originates from Brillat-Savarin in the year 1826. For a long time, however, the importance of food in relation to health and healthcare has received little attention. This is slowly changing and that is why we will discuss the importance of nutrition for health and care with researchers, entrepreneurs and other representatives of the healthcare and food sector during this year’s Innoboot.

Click here for the full programme. And more information on the various presentations can be found here.
We look forward to e-meet you!
Team InnoBoot
BRISKR | Foodvalley NL | HAN | Radboud University | SMB

Registration is now closed, to join event:

Click here to join event
Passcode: 220421 (=event date)
Good to know
Participation in Innoboot is free (but registration is needed). Language during Innoboot is English. The login details will be sent to you one day prior to the event. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Apply now for ‘De Groeiversneller’

The need for care is rising and the affordability of care is under pressure. That’s why The Growth Accelerator (Groeiversneller) is committed to targeted care that is accessible and affordable. For a healthier and happier life for everyone. We are looking for new ways of organizing, new business models and the use and development of new technologies and knowledge to improve the quality of life.

Read more (in Dutch)

SMB-meeting Digitial Healthcare together with OnePlanet

The topic of the SMB meeting on March 4th was cooperation with OnePlanet. OnePlanet is a new initiative by IMEC together with Wageningen University, Radboudumc and Radboud University. Their focus is on technology innovations in Food, Health and our environment. The Oneplanet Program can play a major role in our region in the next decade in terms of the invention of new technologies, the validation of those and in sucessfully bringing these to the market. In order for this to be successful we need a strong cooperation between science and business. Therefore we are happy to have Chris van Hoof, CEO of the OnePlanet organisation as our keynote speaker. We do hope that this will be a fruitful cooperation between our ecosystem and that of OnePlanet. Chris gave an overview of some of the cool projects they are working on and how he looks towards future collaboration on creating impact.

After his presentation we saw two pitches of startup companies that already collaborate with OnePlanet:

  1. Hans Niendieker (Ivido)
  2. Martijn Vastenburg (ConnectedCare)

Our last keynote speaker from this SMB Meeting is Harry van Goor, Prof. dr. at Radboudumc. He is primarily engaged in research in the field of gastrointestinal surgery, surgical education and innovation. He talked about the importance of collaboration in innovation from his perspective as a medical doctor and the need of monitoring real patients in studies like the Virtual Patient Monitoring Platform. From a pilot to a business case means you can innovate patients healthcare, but what are the obstacles in this process, and what do we learn?

Please click here for the presentations.

Recording Science Meets Business: Cooperation in Digital Health

Were you not able to join the online session of Science Meets Business: Cooperation in Digital Health yesterday? We hope we can inspire you with the R4heal project; a new initiative from Radboudumc and private partners to create an “interactive personalized healing environment” where, with the help of advanced technologies, patients recover better and faster after major surgery. You can watch the recording of the webinar by this link:

Science Meets Business; Cooperation in Digital Health; Together we make healing sensible again

Date: January 28th, 2021
Time: 16:00-17:30 hrs
Location: Online

R4Heal is a new initiative where Radboudumc and several companies are building an “interactive personalized healing environment” where, with the help of advanced technologies, patients recover better and faster. This is done through combining smart sensoring, an interactive videowall and virtual reality games reducing pain and stress and improving sleep and mobility.

In this SMB session we will inform you on the R4Heal project itself but also about the challenges that arise in the cooperation between science, the hospital and businesses.

15:55:   Login
16:00:   Start event
-Opening by Martijn Kriens (Business Support manager Briskr)
-Digital Health by Tom van de Belt (ass. professor Digital Health Radboudumc & Digital Health Ambassador Nijmegen)
-R4Health science by Harry van Goor (Professor of Surgical Education Radboudumc)
-Relitech (Ivar Donker)
-Arbol Healthcare (Robert Muijsers)
17:00:   Online networking in break-out rooms
17:30:   End of event

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

De Groeiversneller heeft dit jaar ruim 2,9 miljoen euro toegekend aan Gelderse MKB bedrijven

De Groeiversneller heeft dit jaar ruim 2,9 miljoen euro toegekend aan Gelderse MKB bedrijven om groeiplannen sneller te realiseren. Dankzij provincie Gelderland juist in deze tijd een prachtige impuls. De enorme belangstelling van ondernemers heeft ertoe geleid dat het huidige beschikbare budget voor vouchers met de nu lopende aanvragen is uitgeput. 

Vanaf september was de voucherbijdrage in de advieskosten tijdelijk verhoogd als extra ondersteuning van ondernemers met groeiplannen in deze lastige tijd. Dit heeft tot veel extra aanvragen geleid. Lopende voucheraanvragen handelen we af binnen het budget. Groeiplannen die nu nog in de intakefase zijn kunnen we toestaan een voucheraanvraag te starten als het budget daar ruimte voor biedt, op basis van first come first serve na intake en beoordeling van het groeiplan.

Ondernemers kunnen op dit moment nog wel groeiplannen indienen voor een adviesgesprek en hulp bij het vinden van de juiste expertise en ondersteuning bij het vinden van financiering. Zij kunnen nu dus geen voucheraanvraag starten. Er is wel mogelijkheid om een aanvraag te starten voor een De Groeiversneller leningen.

We zijn nu de voorbereidingen aan het treffen voor 2021. We gaan enkele aanpassingen doen begin van het jaar en zullen daarna ook weer voucheraanvragen kunnen starten. Volg onze website voor meer informatie.