Slides from SMB meeting ‘Crossing borders; boost your health innovations!’ now available

We’re proud of yet another succesful SMB meeting that focused on crossing borders. The meeting was held on Tuesday January 24, 2017 at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen in close cooperation with our partners OostNV and Health Valley.

Did you know that OostNV can help boost your health innovation abroad through progams like Boost4Health and Interreg? And Health Valley has an extensive international network as well? All presentations are available on our website should you have missed the meeting or wish to look at the information again.

We would like to thank the two entrepreneurs, Laszlo Bax (Braingaze) and Ypke van Oosterhout (Xenikos), who took the time to share their international experiences (tips & trics, do’s and don’ts) with regards to venturing abroad. We would have never guessed it would take more than 5 months to open a bank account in a foreign country. Improvement is much needed here!

We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of January 24, 2017.

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Science Meets Business: ‘Crossing Borders: Boost your health innovation!’

Date: Tuesday January 24, 2017
Time: 16:00-19:00 hrs (doors open at 15:30)
Location: Novio Tech Campus, in the SMB Meet & Greet, building M, Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (directions)

Theme: ‘Crossing Borders: Boost your health innovation!’
In close cooperation with OostNV and Health Valley

We will start the new year with an inspiring session on international growth by sharing information on the international programs Boost4Health and Mind Interreg. And of course we will be sharing experiences with and from other entrepreneurs.

Both programs have the objective to link international innovative entrepreneurs and SME’s to each other and to knowledge institutes to enable cooperation between suitable partners and to accelerate the development in the area of validation and market access. OostNV is looking for parties that are interested in this type of cooperation and/or open to contribute to the growth of SME’s from other countries. Both programs offer (small) grant opportunities to enable international cooperation.


15:30 Registration and Walk-in

16:00 Welcome and start event

-Laszlo Bax (Braingaze) a Spanish startup that develops next-generation Mind Tracking Solutions that predict and identify personal behavior for clinical and commercial applications. It recently opened an office at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen

-Ypke van Oosterhout (Xenikos) that develops a combination of two toxin-loaded anti-T-cell antibodies, T-Guard™, as a therapeutic tool for resetting the body’s immune system in T-cell mediated diseases

-Boost4Health program by Adinda Woelderink and Friso Hennings Backer (OostNV)

-Mind Interreg program by Niek Wellink (OostNV)

-Cluster and internationalization by Victor Haze (Health Valley)

17:30 Networking, drinks & bites

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We are looking forward to meeting you on January 24th!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Businessaim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Braingaze; new start-up addition to Novio Tech Campus

Good news! From February 1, 2017 onwards Novio Tech Campus welcomes a new tenant: Braingaze.

Braingaze, founded in 2013, develops next-generation Mind Tracking Solutions that predict and identify personal behavior for clinical and commercial applications. The unique method of Braingaze (patented in 44 countries) is based on the predictive power of small eye movements as a marker for cognitive visual processing. They call this eye movement ‘Cognitive Vergence’. The Braingaze method is non-invasive, fast and robust, and does not require expensive hardware. As a first commercial application Braingaze has clinically validated a unique solution to more objectively diagnose ADHD in children.

Braingaze will present itself and its business case during the next SMB meeting on January 24, 2017 (Crossing Borders; Boost your Health innovation). For more information, click here.


Nieuwe editie MercatorNovioTech

Onlangs verscheen er weer een nieuw nummer van Mercator NovioTech Magazine*. De uitgave geeft onder meer voorbeelden van verbindingen tussen kennis en maatschappij (Science Meets Business).

Een greep uit de inhoud:
– Het succes van 3 jaar Novio Tech Campus
– Het nut van investeren in kennis en innovatie;
– Big Data: nieuwe ICT-kennis met grote maatschappelijke impact;
– The Economic Board als verbinder en aanjager;
– Radboudumc valorisatiebeleid ‘van idee tot spin-off’
– Succesvolle Gelderland Valoriseert projecten.

Klik om het magazine te downloaden: in het Nederlands and in English.

* Mercator NovioTech Magazine – Science Meets Business Nijmegen – is een uitgave van CCM&C in samenwerking met Mercator Incubator Nijmegen, BV Campus Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Novio Tech Campus, SMB Life Sciences en Radboudumc. De uitgave verschijnt twee maal per jaar in een oplage van 4.500 exemplaren en wordt o.a. verspreid naar een gericht bestand van innovatieve bedijven in de regio Nijmegen en Arnhem en grootste (inter)naionale bedrijven in Nederland op het gebied van onder meer life sciences, food technology, farma, ICT en de medische sector.



Science Meets Business: “Sharing experiences and challenges in entrepreneurship”

Date: Thursday December 15, 2016
Time: 16:30-19:00 hrs (doors open at 16:00)
Location: Novio Tech Campus, in the SMB Meet & Greet, building M, Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (directions)

We will conclude this year’s SMB meetings with sharing experiences and challenges in entrepreneurship. Various start-ups will pitch their business proposition & future needs and will address their challenges & lessons learned.

Confirmed speakers:
– Noviocell (Juliëtte van den Dolder)
– Noviosense (Chris Wilson)

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We are looking forward to meeting you on December 15th!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Businessaim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Presentaties SMB / RMTV meeting ‘Crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health’ beschikbaar

Het was zeker de moeite waard om de bijeenkomst van gisteren over crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health bij te wonen. Wist u bijvoorbeeld dat in het afgelopen half jaar 86 miljoen euro is opgehaald in Nederland via crowdfunding? (bron: KvK). Steeds meer innovatieve ondernemers maken er gebruik van. Maar past het wel bij elke onderneming / product?

In drie boeiende presentaties werden we bijgepraat over de verschillende soorten crowdfunding, de juridische implicaties hiervan en wat het vergt het om succesvol te crowdfunden. Daarnaast leerden we van ervaringen van andere ondernemers (tips & tricks en do’s & don’ts) die ons voor gingen. En natuurlijk was er na afloop weer een gezellige borrel, waarin weer menig contact werd gelegd! Via deze link kunt u de presentaties nog even terugzien. De volgende SMB bijeenkomst is op 15 december a.s. We berichten u binnenkort weer over het programma.




Science Meets Business & RMTV: Crowdfunding in LS&H

Datum: Donderdag 20 oktober 2016
Tijd: 16:00-19:00 uur (inloop om 15:30)
Locatie: Novio Tech Campus, in de SMB Meet & Greet, gebouw M, Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (route)

Met regelmaat organiseert SMB bijeenkomsten waar personen elkaar ontmoeten op het raakvlak van wetenschap, maatschappij en bedrijfsleven. Deze SMB bijeenkomsten bestaan uit korte presentaties die genodigden informeren en inspireren gevolgd door een discussie- en contactmoment. De sfeer is informeel. Genodigden zijn betrokkenen die opereren in de sector Life Sciences & Health.

In de SMB bijeenkomst van donderdag 20 oktober trekken SMB Life Sciences en RedMedTech Ventures (RMTV) samen op rondom het thema ‘Crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health’. Crowdfunding als alternatieve manier van financieren wordt niet alleen steeds professioneler, maar ook meer gemeengoed. Het gaat om veel investeerders die kleine bedragen investeren in tegenstelling tot een paar investeerders die veel investeren. Biedt dit kansen voor uw bedrijf? Hoe steken de verschillende vormen van crowdfunding juridisch in elkaar? Wat zijn de ervaringen uit de praktijk?


15:30 uur                         Inloop

16:00 uur                         Opening John Schalken (SMB) en Rik Luimes (RMTV)

16:10 uur                         Zorgfunders – Mark Lenssen

16:40 uur                         eNose – André Elands

17:00 uur                         Haerst – Jeroen Terpstra

17:20 uur                         Afsluiting + netwerken met hapje en drankje

Er zijn geen kosten verbonden aan de deelname van deze bijeenkomst.  Vooraf aanmelden is wel gewenst in verband met de catering. Tot ziens op 20 oktober!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

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Presentaties ‘From Molecule to Business’ beschikbaar

Health Valley en SMB kijken tevreden terug op een geslaagde herhaling van ‘From Molecule to Business’ op 29 september j.l. waarbij de focus dit jaar lag op de invloed van ondernemers op de gezondheidszorg en de synergie tussen de verschillende partijen in de waardeketen (van de gevestigde, grote bedrijven tot MKB, startups en de wetenschap. Klik op deze link om de presentaties (nogmaals) in te zien.

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Science Meets Business + Health Valley: From Molecule to Business

Just like previous years, this September meeting ‘From Molecule to Business’ will be organised in close cooperation with Health Valley. The program will focus on the impact of business on healthcare and the synergy between different players along the value chain. Presentations will cover the value chain from corporate companies to SME’s (small & medium enterprises) to startups and science.


14:00 Walk in
14:30 Start introduction
14:45 Roche Pharma, Eelko den Breejen (Governmental Affairs)
How to deal with the affordability of oncology drugs? From personalised medicine to personalised reimbursement models
15:05 PostNL Healthcare, Huub Zijlstra (Business Development Manager Healthcare)
Bringing care home; The logistic challenges in the Dutch healthcare
15:25 Avivia, Frank Vanderdonck (Competitive&business intelligence)
Avivia, Partner in Innovation; Shaping innovative ideas into real products
15:45 Break
16:05 TropIQ Health Sciences, Koen Dechering (CEO)
Product Development Partnerships and the role of SMEs in development of drugs against neglected diseases
16:25 Teamscope, Diego Menchaca (Founder)
mHealth: A paradigm shift in clinical research
16:45 Radboudumc Valorization, Dirkjan Masman (Director)
Radboudumc as a business partner; From idea to spin-off
17:05 Closing up
17.15 Drinks and Bites

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network! We are looking forward to meeting you on September 29th.

Registration is closed, but feel free to come and we will create a name badge at the reception.

Location: Novio Tech Campus, building M, SMB Meet & Greet room,
Transistorweg 5, Nijmegen (directions)

Network app: Health Valley works with a network app during events. Feel free to download ‘Netwerkapp’ in the App Store / Play Store and activate the app with eventcode: “FM2B16”.


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