De Groeiversneller heeft dit jaar ruim 2,9 miljoen euro toegekend aan Gelderse MKB bedrijven

De Groeiversneller heeft dit jaar ruim 2,9 miljoen euro toegekend aan Gelderse MKB bedrijven om groeiplannen sneller te realiseren. Dankzij provincie Gelderland juist in deze tijd een prachtige impuls. De enorme belangstelling van ondernemers heeft ertoe geleid dat het huidige beschikbare budget voor vouchers met de nu lopende aanvragen is uitgeput. 

Vanaf september was de voucherbijdrage in de advieskosten tijdelijk verhoogd als extra ondersteuning van ondernemers met groeiplannen in deze lastige tijd. Dit heeft tot veel extra aanvragen geleid. Lopende voucheraanvragen handelen we af binnen het budget. Groeiplannen die nu nog in de intakefase zijn kunnen we toestaan een voucheraanvraag te starten als het budget daar ruimte voor biedt, op basis van first come first serve na intake en beoordeling van het groeiplan.

Ondernemers kunnen op dit moment nog wel groeiplannen indienen voor een adviesgesprek en hulp bij het vinden van de juiste expertise en ondersteuning bij het vinden van financiering. Zij kunnen nu dus geen voucheraanvraag starten. Er is wel mogelijkheid om een aanvraag te starten voor een De Groeiversneller leningen.

We zijn nu de voorbereidingen aan het treffen voor 2021. We gaan enkele aanpassingen doen begin van het jaar en zullen daarna ook weer voucheraanvragen kunnen starten. Volg onze website voor meer informatie.

Recording from SMB meeting on ‘Healthy Brain’ (December 3, 2020)

On behalf of the teams from Donders Institute of Brain, Cognition & Behaviour & SMB we would like to thank the participants for attending the SMB meeting on ‘Healthy Brain’ on Thursday December 3, 2020. It was great to (e)-meet you! We hope to have inspired you with all exciting studies and innovations in our region!


This webinar was recorded, please click below on the video.

Science Meets Business; Healthy Brain

Date: December 3, 2020
Time: 16:00-17:30 + online networking
Location: Online

Our dream
We have a dream! Our goal is to discover how the brain works and how the brain effects our daily lives. That is what Healthy Brain is about and that is why we are organizing a Science Meets Business event on December 3rd.

How does a certain food ingredient influence your mood and your decision to buy a new car? How does sitting and sleeping influence the way you deal with stress? What makes you decide to buy a house and which street to live on? Do you feel better in a relationship or on your own? In short, why do people do what they do? The brain plays a major role in these types of questions. The more we know about the brain, the more questions we can answer about how we function in our daily lives.

What influences the brain?
As part of the Healthy Brain Initiative at the Radboud campus, we aim to monitor and test a thousand thirty to forty-year-old volunteers from Nijmegen and the surrounding area. In this Healthy Brain Study, we investigate which social, biological and environmental factors influence the brain.

We can use the results to conduct new studies to resolve social issues. These can involve questions such as: How can I identify and prevent an upcoming burnout? With this new knowledge, we hope to learn how people can become happier, fitter, more self-reliant and more productive. We also aim to contribute to a more sustainable and affordable healthcare system and to develop knowledge and innovative products.

Let’s connect!
The Nijmegen region is one of the hotspots for Healthy Brain research and development. The Healthy Brain Initiative reaches out to anyone who is interested in achieving our dream. Everyone is invited to connect and to contribute!

If you are interested in using our knowledge, interested in defining research questions, interested in help to realize your business idea’s, or interested in setting up collaborative Sc2B projects, please join the Science Meets Business event on December 3rd.

16:00:   Login
16:05:   Presentations
              – Opening event by Arthur Willemsen
              – Opportunities for the region (councilor Van Esselbrugge)
              – Background/Update Healthy Brain Initiative (Guillén Fernández)
              – Successful partnership with Noldus IT (Lucas Noldus)
17:30:   Online networking

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you!

You will receive an email with login link a few days before the event.

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Schrijf je nu als zorgaanbieder in voor de Health Valley Bridge prijs 2021 en win € 15.000!

Health Valley nodigt zorgaanbieders die actief zijn in cure en/of care, uit om vóór 1 februari 2021 projecten in de zorg in te dienen waarbij door middel van technologie, zorg dichterbij de eigen leefomgeving wordt gebracht, met als doel om langer zelfstandig te kunnen blijven functioneren. Een multidisciplinaire jury beoordeelt alle inschrijvingen. Het meest veelbelovende project ontvangt de prestigieuze prijs en het bedrag van € 15.000 euro dat eraan verbonden is. De uitreiking vindt plaats op 10/11 maart 2021 tijdens het virtuele Health Valley Event.

 Brug tussen zorginstelling en ondernemer

De naam van de prijs verwijst naar de brug die het slaat tussen een zorginstelling en een ondernemer om samen innovaties mogelijk te maken. René Penning de Vries bestuursvoorzitter Health Valley: “De huidige crisis heeft ons meer dan ooit geleerd hoe belangrijk goede zorg is. Toegankelijk en beschikbaar voor iedereen. Bouwend op de betrokkenheid van de professionals en gebruikmakend van relevante innovaties. De Health Valley Bridge prijs ondersteunt de brug tussen de werelden van zorg en technologie en draagt daarmee bij aan een voortdurend krachtiger zorgsysteem.”

Belang digitalisering en juiste zorg op de juiste plek

Menzis verbindt zich ook graag als nieuwe sponsor aan deze prijs. “We zien meer dan ooit dat digitalisering en het principe van ‘de juiste zorg op de juiste plek’ hand in hand gaan,” licht Dirk Jan Sloots, lid van de raad van bestuur van Menzis, toe. “De kwaliteit van leven van patiënten kan drastisch verbeteren wanneer bijvoorbeeld thuis gezondheidsmetingen kunnen worden verricht, of dat ziekenhuisbehandelingen of trajecten deels of volledig in de eigen omgeving kunnen worden gebracht.”

De vakjury

De jurering zal plaatsvinden door een panel van 5 personen dat is samengesteld uit het Health Valley partnernetwerk. Waar gaat de jury op letten? Jorrit Ebben, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer van Academy het Dorp is juryvoorzitter en is ook mede sponsor van deze prijs en stimuleert innovaties in de zorg. Binnen Academy het Dorp vinden ze dat ze technologie een betere plek binnen de langdurende zorg verdient. Daarom transformeren ze daar ideeën naar duurzame en schaalbare technologieën. Dit doen ze altijd samen met ervaringsdeskundigen en op basis van een resultaatgerichte aanpak.

Schrijf je in vóór 1 februari 2021

De inschrijving voor Health Valley Bridge Prijs 2021 is vanaf vandaag geopend en loopt tot 1 februari 2021. Vul hier formulier in om jouw project in te dienen. Bekijk hier het wedstrijdreglement. Deze prijs en daarmee het steuntje in de rug, wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door de sponsorbijdragen van Academy het Dorp en Menzis.

FPC de Oostvaarderskliniek Winnaar 2021

Het project ‘Maatje’ van het forensisch psychiatrisch centrum de Oostvaarderskliniek won in 2020 deze prestigieuze prijs. Met het gewonnen geld zijn ze aan de slag gegaan om robots op maat in te programmeren voor de patiënten. Dit om te onderzoeken of de inzet van sociale robots eenzaamheid bij forensische zorg patiënten terug kan dringen en uiteindelijk een bijdrage kan leveren aan een veiligere maatschappij.

Kijk voor meer informatie op deze website.

Innoboot 2020: Precision healthcare recordings

On October 27, 2020 we organized our annual Innoboot seminar. Goal of this yearly seminar is to connect research and education done at Radboud University, Radboudumc and HAN with innovative companies with a programme mixed for science as well as business. The theme for this year was Precision health care.

The explosion of digital data and intelligent algorithms leads to a new approach to healthcare in many disciplines. It helps us better identify the relation between DNA and diseases, it helps us identify what medication might help one person but harms another. It helps us find better medications in a shorter time through better predictions of succes rates. However, it also leads to new risks: algorithms that get feedback based on their own prediction, strengthening biases. Deep learning is based on correlations: so how do we keep understanding why a conclusion is valid, and how important is the ‘why’ if you have enough data.

Jos Oomens from Radboud University FELIX Lab talked about the use of the Felix electron laser. Much of Artificial intelligence starts with data. The Felix laser makes it possible to measure the exact structures of molecules and thereby enhancing information in diagnostics and therapeutics. We then proceeded with three parallel tracks of workshops:

    1. One around precision oncology where Sophie Dusoswa from Roche talked about how data on DNA and advanced analytics helps us better target medications based on individual patient profiles.
    2. One workshop by Sharon Kolk and Tjitske Kleefstra from Donders Institute who talked about the use of big DNA data in relation to rare genetic syndromes and the potential here for personalised healthcare.
    3. And one workshop by Wilma Göttgens from Radboudumc who dealt with ethical questions that arise based on the use of these new algorithms and big data. Shouldn’t this be a default design element in personalised healthcare from the start of the research on?

After the workshops we saw two pitches of startup companies in the forefront of using big data and smart algorithms to make healthcare more precise: Predica and Orikami. And the last part of the program was the final keynote by Paul Iske. As chairman of the Personalised Healthcare Alliance he made a call to action to work together from different disciplines to make personalised healthcare a reality benefitting for us all.

A seminar like this is a challenge in times of corona but we look back on an interesting afternoon! We would especially like to thank all the speakers and we hope to meet in real life as soon as possible!

Click here for the recordings of the presentations and pitches

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Innoboot; Precision health care (digital event)

Date: Tuesday October 27, 2020
Time: 13:00 – 17:00
Location: Online

New technologies allow us to to combine highly automated processes with precise customisation. Due to the personal nature of healthcare this leads to huge changes and potential benefits. Through AI we are able to determine much more precise interesting new drugs, to treat people with personalised medication and to create intereventions in a personal way ánd on scale. In this seminar we will show the current edge of precision health care but also talk about the ethical and societal boundaries.

You are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday 27 October 2020 for the 7th edition of InnoBoot. This year InnoBoot will be all about ‘precision health care’ with keynotes by Jos Oomen and Paul Iske, 3 thematic sessions and 2 startup pitches. You can click on the bold items above for the abstracts of the presentations.

This event is sponsored by Johnson&Johnson Innovation

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to (e)-meet you!

Team InnoBoot

BRISKR | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | Novio Tech Campus | Radboud Universiteit | SMB

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Recording of Molecule to Business event: How Covid-19 boosts innovation and new business

Yesterday (September 24th) we organised our annual ‘From Molecule to Business’- event with our partners Briskr, Health Valley and Pivot Park. It was a hybrid event (both online and offline). The theme was: How Covid-19 boosts innovation and new business. Prof. Netea informed us on the research with regards to the positive effect of existing BCG vaccination on the immunity for new viruses. And we shared inspiring examples on new (Covid-19) projects that have been initiated in the Oss-Nijmegen region. We finished off with an expert panel discussion. All companies showed great resilience and flexibility to reinvent their business and most speakers praised the work from the teams involved.


Prof.dr. Mihai Netea, Radboudumc experimental internal medicine

Thomas Kerbusch, Chief Growth Officer Certara

Christian van Munster, Founder and Director HCM-Medical

Nienke Oldenburg, Marketing InProcess LSP

Bernd van Buuren, Owner and CEO Protinhi Therapeutics

Anja Garritsen, Founder and CEO Innatoss

To (re)view the recording of the meeting, on YouTube please click on the picture below:


How Covid-19 Pandemic boosts innovation and new business (From Molecule to Business event)

Date: Thursday September 24, 2020
Time: 14:00-16:30 hrs + drinks
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen and Online

The recent Covid-pandemic results in many new initiatives in the Life Sciences & Health sector, it boosts collaboration in the public-private domain and in open innovation. These opportunities might lead to important new possibilities for cure, care and prevention. Not only for Covid-19 but also for other infectious diseases.

Feel free to join our annual From Molecule to Business event. During this year’s event we want to share inspiring examples on new (Covid-19) projects that have been initiated in the Oss-Nijmegen region, and to discuss the learnings from these in an expert panel discussion.

Confirmed names are: Mihai Netea (Radboudumc), Bernd van Buuren (Prothini), Thomas Kerbusch (Certara), Anja Garritsen (InnatOss), Nienke Oldenburg (InProcess-LSP) and Christian van Munster (HCM Medical).

We will organize a hybrid event (both online and onsite), If you prefer an online session, please register via the button below. 

13:30:   Registration
14:00:   Start meeting
16:30:   Networking, drinks & bites

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to (e-)meet you!
Teams Briskr, Health Valley, Pivot Park & SMB

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Talent Accelerator Programme for BioBusiness

September 2020 – February 2021
Talent Accelerator Programme for BioBusiness (TAP BioBusiness) is a training & mentoring programme of eight months in which junior BioBusiness professionals can learn in a group of peers from experienced executives, experts and each other by means of inspiring experience stories, training, coaching and consultative sessions. The aim is to accelerate the learning curve of these young professionals and thereby enhance the growth and supply of BioBusiness leaders for the Dutch and Belgian Life Sciences & Health sector.

In’to Summer School: online language and communication courses

Do you want to boost your language or communication skills this summer? Then sign up for one of the online courses of Radboud in’to Languages!

In’to has put together an attractive and varied online programme for the summer. You can choose from intensive courses in 10 languages (including Arabic, Italian and Spanish), one-day boost camps in English  or communication courses (including tim management and speed reading).

What to expect?
The courses take place in the Virtual Classroom. With every course you will receive:

– personal attention from your teacher
– group lessons on fixed days and times
– interaction with your teacher and fellow students
– interactive forms of work, collaboration in small groups and online assignments
– homework and teaching materials in the online learning environment
– slides or whiteboard of the lesson

Are you interested?
Then sign up quickly as the number of places is limited. This is to guarantee that everyone gets the maximum attention and sufficient online interaction is possible.

Take a look at the full summer programme and sign up now!