Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Sharing experiences & challenges’ July 3, 2018

As always we concluded the pre-summer series of SMB meetings with our favorite theme: ‘Sharing experiences & challenges’.

We would like to thank all entrepreneurs who have updated and inspired us this afternoon:


-Chris Wilson (Noviosense)
-Hans Platteeuw (Avivia)
-Willem Melchers (MDx Health)
-Jorg Rijkschroeff (Sit&Heat)
-Klaus Werner (PinkRF)
-Ivo de la Rive Box (Mind Affect)


And a special thanks to the team from Start Up Delta who visited Novio Tech Campus to inform entrepreneurs of the opportunities abroad! We look back on a very inspiring event!

We finished off the meeting with a great summer BBQ, sponsored by Kadans Science Partner. With more than 400 guests there were lots of opportunities for networking!

Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of July 3, 2018.

Presentaties ‘From Molecule to Business’ beschikbaar

Health Valley en SMB kijken tevreden terug op een geslaagde herhaling van ‘From Molecule to Business’ op 29 september j.l. waarbij de focus dit jaar lag op de invloed van ondernemers op de gezondheidszorg en de synergie tussen de verschillende partijen in de waardeketen (van de gevestigde, grote bedrijven tot MKB, startups en de wetenschap. Klik op deze link om de presentaties (nogmaals) in te zien.

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