Date: Thursday September 24, 2020
Time: 14:00-16:30 hrs + drinks
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen and Online
The recent Covid-pandemic results in many new initiatives in the Life Sciences & Health sector, it boosts collaboration in the public-private domain and in open innovation. These opportunities might lead to important new possibilities for cure, care and prevention. Not only for Covid-19 but also for other infectious diseases.
Feel free to join our annual From Molecule to Business event. During this year’s event we want to share inspiring examples on new (Covid-19) projects that have been initiated in the Oss-Nijmegen region, and to discuss the learnings from these in an expert panel discussion.
Confirmed names are: Mihai Netea (Radboudumc), Bernd van Buuren (Prothini), Thomas Kerbusch (Certara), Anja Garritsen (InnatOss), Nienke Oldenburg (InProcess-LSP) and Christian van Munster (HCM Medical).
We will organize a hybrid event (both online and onsite), If you prefer an online session, please register via the button below.
13:30: Registration
14:00: Start meeting
16:30: Networking, drinks & bites
Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to (e-)meet you!
Teams Briskr, Health Valley, Pivot Park & SMB
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.