On February 28, 2019 Bas Zeper from Plasmacure informed us on how it will offer a sparkling solution for chronic wounds. We also welcomed 4 student groups from the Radboud University Panorama Science course (Health, Food & Energy) who pitched their innovative ideas to improve Healthcare. Please click on this link to find all presentations.
Tag archieven: publicatie
Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Start Up Funding’ Jan 29, 2019
On January 29, 2019 the SMB meeting focussed on Start Up Funding. Two interesting programs for entrepreneurs who want to grow their company (De Groeiversneller) and develop their entrepreneurial skills (De Startversneller) were presented.
In addition, Lonneke Opsteegh from Stat Stories and Floris Heukelom from Onder de Bomen informed us on their start-up company and their experiences with above-mentioned funding methods. Please click on this link to find all 4 presentations.
We concluded the event with a “New Year Drink: Entrepreneurs of Nijmegen” that was co-organized with Briskr, Novio Tech Campus, Start Up Nijmegen, Start Up Mix Students, Mercator Launch, RVN@ and Rebelspaces.
Publication presentations SMB/HV meeting ‘From molecule to business’ Sept 27, 2018
For a number of years SMB teams up with our partner Health Valley to organise the annual ‘From molecule to business’ event in September. This years theme was: “Pharma and Patient Solutions“.
We would like to thank all entrepreneurs who have updated and inspired us this afternoon:
–Waander van Heerde (Enzyre), who aims to stop patients bleeding to death!
–Dexter Tjoa (Tjoapack), who aims to reduce costs of relabelling/repackaging with a whole new concept!
–Ali Kocer (DHL), who informed us of the vast number of services worldwide that are also available for start-ups!
Please click on this link to find their presentations.
Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Sharing experiences & challenges’ July 3, 2018
As always we concluded the pre-summer series of SMB meetings with our favorite theme: ‘Sharing experiences & challenges’.
We would like to thank all entrepreneurs who have updated and inspired us this afternoon:
-Chris Wilson (Noviosense)
-Hans Platteeuw (Avivia)
-Willem Melchers (MDx Health)
-Jorg Rijkschroeff (Sit&Heat)
-Klaus Werner (PinkRF)
-Ivo de la Rive Box (Mind Affect)
And a special thanks to the team from Start Up Delta who visited Novio Tech Campus to inform entrepreneurs of the opportunities abroad! We look back on a very inspiring event!
We finished off the meeting with a great summer BBQ, sponsored by Kadans Science Partner. With more than 400 guests there were lots of opportunities for networking!
Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of July 3, 2018.
Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘From research into reality’ February 22, 2018
In this month’s SMB meeting we focused on the theme ‘From research into reality’. Thank you Bram den Teuling from Orikami and Margot van der Doelen from Digital Health Center for presenting and inspiring the audience.
We learned how big data will help innovations in Healthcare and how the supply and demand for innovations in Healthcare can be connected and tested more efficiently. We look back on a very inspiring event!
Next up were 4 Radboud University Bachelor student groups (Innovation Science course) who presented their own innovations. A great way to learn how to pitch and to make use of the audience’s views & networks!
We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of February 22, 2018.
Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Sharing experiences’ January 25, 2018
We have kicked off the new year of network meetings with one of our favorite themes: ‘sharing experiences’ and look back on a very inspiring event.
Thank you Huib Schut (Noviospin) and Samir Raut (Arenar), for informing us about your innovation and personal journey in entrepreneurship and sharing not only your achievements, but also your challenges along the way!
We learned that silk is not only used for clothes/lingerie and can be degradeable as well (luckily only when used for meshes!) and that sleep rejuvinates our body, but dreams rejuvinate our mind.
We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of January 25, 2018.
Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Early stage funding for innovative startups’ and Innoboot 2017
It is commonly known that the Dutch Centre of Entrepreneurship (RVO) offers a large variety of loans and grants for innovative entrepreneurs. But most of us have trouble finding the right loan/grant and hesitate to actually submit an application. Elke van de Graaf gave a good insight of the most suitable instruments for innovative startups and offered inside information and multiple tips&trics on how to increase the success rate of your application. Her presentation is now available on our website, should you have missed the meeting or wish to look at the information again.
We would like to thank the two entrepreneurs, Artur Steffen (GoClinic) and David Uhlenbroich (eDolly), who took the time to inform us of their personal journey in entrepreneurship, their achievements, but also their challenges in securing sufficient funding to meet their goals and targets.
We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of May 18, 2017 and for the publiation of the presentations from the two key note speakers of the Innoboot 2017 (April 11, 2017).
Slides from SMB meeting ‘Crossing borders; boost your health innovations!’ now available
We’re proud of yet another succesful SMB meeting that focused on crossing borders. The meeting was held on Tuesday January 24, 2017 at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen in close cooperation with our partners OostNV and Health Valley.
Did you know that OostNV can help boost your health innovation abroad through progams like Boost4Health and Interreg? And Health Valley has an extensive international network as well? All presentations are available on our website should you have missed the meeting or wish to look at the information again.
We would like to thank the two entrepreneurs, Laszlo Bax (Braingaze) and Ypke van Oosterhout (Xenikos), who took the time to share their international experiences (tips & trics, do’s and don’ts) with regards to venturing abroad. We would have never guessed it would take more than 5 months to open a bank account in a foreign country. Improvement is much needed here!
We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of January 24, 2017.
Presentaties SMB / RMTV meeting ‘Crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health’ beschikbaar
Het was zeker de moeite waard om de bijeenkomst van gisteren over crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health bij te wonen. Wist u bijvoorbeeld dat in het afgelopen half jaar 86 miljoen euro is opgehaald in Nederland via crowdfunding? (bron: KvK). Steeds meer innovatieve ondernemers maken er gebruik van. Maar past het wel bij elke onderneming / product?
In drie boeiende presentaties werden we bijgepraat over de verschillende soorten crowdfunding, de juridische implicaties hiervan en wat het vergt het om succesvol te crowdfunden. Daarnaast leerden we van ervaringen van andere ondernemers (tips & tricks en do’s & don’ts) die ons voor gingen. En natuurlijk was er na afloop weer een gezellige borrel, waarin weer menig contact werd gelegd! Via deze link kunt u de presentaties nog even terugzien. De volgende SMB bijeenkomst is op 15 december a.s. We berichten u binnenkort weer over het programma.
Presentaties Sharing experiences & challenges (SMB bijeenkomst 30-06-2016) beschikbaar
SMB kijkt tevreden terug op een zeer succesvolle Science Meets Business bijeenkomst voorafgaand aan de jaarlijkse BBQ op 30 juni 2016. We zijn trots op het grote aantal bezoekers (180 voor de bijeenkomst en 300 voor de BBQ!), maar met name ook op de complimenten die wij tijdens en na het evenement ontvingen. Er is goed genetwerkt!! Iedereen een fijne zomer toegewenst en tot ziens op 29 september a.s.!
Klik hier voor de beschikbaar gestelde presentaties van deze bijeenkomst.