The role of digital health in keeping our health system financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable (online)

Date: January 27th
Login: 15:45
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ online networking)
Location: Online

Without interventions 1 in 4 people will work in healthcare in 2040 (compared to 1 in 7 now). And even these days it is already hardly sustainable in terms of people and costs. The inevitable conclusion is that we need to improve productivity not by working harder but by working smarter. This is possible with the help of Digital Health innovations.
During the covid pandemic, digital health innovations have been increasingly used for virtual care and self-management. There was a clear shift from digital health innovations as ‘a potential opportunity’ to ‘an immediate necessity’. Since digital health innovations hold the potential to further improve the efficiency, accessibility and quality of care such as by reducing workload and fewer travel movements, the question is how we can accelerate implementation. Not only during this pandemic, but also when the pandemic comes under control.
How can the healthcare ecosystem retain added value from digital health innovations? How can the ecosystem start new collaborations that result in better digital health innovations?
So how do we improve productivity overall whilst increasing quality? In the SMB meeting on January 27 two care organisations and two health companies will explain how they deal with digital health innovation. Moreover, Tom van de Belt (Digital Health Ambassador Nijmegen & Radboudumc) and Floor van de Watering (OostNL) will present their plans for the digital health hub, an initiative with the aim to improve healthcare through cooperation between health organizations and health companies.
Welcome by Martijn Kriens from Briskr
Maartenskliniek (Remco Hoogendijk)
Vigo groep (Angelique Moonen)
InMotionVR (Gert-Jan Brok)
Luscii (Ronald Scheffer)
Digital Health Hub (Tom van de Belt, Radboudumc & Floor van de Watering, Oost NL)
Questions & wrap up
For those interested, we will conclude the event with the opportunity for online networking where you will be placed randomly in a Zoom room. 
Online event
This event will be streamed online. A login link will be provided by email a few days before the event. 
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to e-meet you!
Click here to register
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB-meeting Healthy brains for healthy work (online)

Date: December 2nd, 2021
Time: 16:00-18:00 hrs
Location: Online

Healthy Brain links science, business and public partners in the field of brain, cognition, behavior, health and disease. It covers topics like neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, behavioural change and food & cognition.
The Healthy Brain Study was set up to create a resource enabling new collaborations between scientists and private and public partners in the field of Healthy Brain. It enables insight into social, biological and environmental factors that influence for example stress resilience and decision making. With these insights successful tools or interventions can be developed.
In this SMB meeting we will discuss how the Healthy Brain Study resource helps scientists and companies to achieve healthy work. How do people change unhealthy work behavior? How do they adapt sitting patterns and mental work load?
You will also learn how scientists and companies in the field of healthy work can access and exploit the Healthy Brain Study resource. And who you should contact if you wish to get access to this unique resource yourself.
Lucy Overbeek, project manager of the Healthy Brain Study will explain the study resource, it’s potential and availability for science and business.
Erik Bijleveld from the Behavioural Science Insitute of Radboud University will talk about how he uses the Healthy Brain Study resource to study the human mind at work.
Doeschka Anschutz from The Lab of Life will talk about their behaviour change training based on scientific evidence from the Behavioural Science Institute.
Online event
Due to the recent corona outbreak we have converted this meeting to an online webinar.
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!
Registration is closed, click here to join the webinar:
Passcode: 02122021 (=event date)
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB-meeting Health & High Tech cross-overs

Date: November 4th, 2021
Registration: 15:30
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area (Directions)
Nijmegen is the city of healthcare and High Tech. In many cases these are quite separate worlds. Healthcare is about care, drugs discovery, medical devices etc. and High Tech in Nijmegen is about chip production for sectors like automotive.
But there certainly is also an important cross-over between these sectors where technologies from the semiconductor industry are used in healthcare. For example in lab-on-a-chip  and organs-on-a-chip development, diagnostics through photonics and hyperthermia treatment trough radio frequencies.
In this SMB meeting we have rounded up a group of companies and researchers who address precisely these types of cross-overs.
Hans van Bokhoven from Radboudumc will talk about the development of organs-on-a-chip that will influence treatment options and drug development.
Klaus Werner from PinkRF will talk about the potential of RF technologies in the treatment of cancer through hyperthermia.
Waander van Heerde from Enzyre will talk about their development to determine blood clotting factors with lab-on-a-chip technology.
And Peter Harmsma from Delta Diagnostics will explain how they use photonics for health diagnostics.
Hybrid event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking/drinks/snacks afterwards. The event will be streamed online as well. 
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!

Click here to register

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Science Meets Business; Cooperation in Digital Health; Together we make healing sensible again

Date: January 28th, 2021
Time: 16:00-17:30 hrs
Location: Online

R4Heal is a new initiative where Radboudumc and several companies are building an “interactive personalized healing environment” where, with the help of advanced technologies, patients recover better and faster. This is done through combining smart sensoring, an interactive videowall and virtual reality games reducing pain and stress and improving sleep and mobility.

In this SMB session we will inform you on the R4Heal project itself but also about the challenges that arise in the cooperation between science, the hospital and businesses.

15:55:   Login
16:00:   Start event
-Opening by Martijn Kriens (Business Support manager Briskr)
-Digital Health by Tom van de Belt (ass. professor Digital Health Radboudumc & Digital Health Ambassador Nijmegen)
-R4Health science by Harry van Goor (Professor of Surgical Education Radboudumc)
-Relitech (Ivar Donker)
-Arbol Healthcare (Robert Muijsers)
17:00:   Online networking in break-out rooms
17:30:   End of event

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Science Meets Business; Healthy Brain

Date: December 3, 2020
Time: 16:00-17:30 + online networking
Location: Online

Our dream
We have a dream! Our goal is to discover how the brain works and how the brain effects our daily lives. That is what Healthy Brain is about and that is why we are organizing a Science Meets Business event on December 3rd.

How does a certain food ingredient influence your mood and your decision to buy a new car? How does sitting and sleeping influence the way you deal with stress? What makes you decide to buy a house and which street to live on? Do you feel better in a relationship or on your own? In short, why do people do what they do? The brain plays a major role in these types of questions. The more we know about the brain, the more questions we can answer about how we function in our daily lives.

What influences the brain?
As part of the Healthy Brain Initiative at the Radboud campus, we aim to monitor and test a thousand thirty to forty-year-old volunteers from Nijmegen and the surrounding area. In this Healthy Brain Study, we investigate which social, biological and environmental factors influence the brain.

We can use the results to conduct new studies to resolve social issues. These can involve questions such as: How can I identify and prevent an upcoming burnout? With this new knowledge, we hope to learn how people can become happier, fitter, more self-reliant and more productive. We also aim to contribute to a more sustainable and affordable healthcare system and to develop knowledge and innovative products.

Let’s connect!
The Nijmegen region is one of the hotspots for Healthy Brain research and development. The Healthy Brain Initiative reaches out to anyone who is interested in achieving our dream. Everyone is invited to connect and to contribute!

If you are interested in using our knowledge, interested in defining research questions, interested in help to realize your business idea’s, or interested in setting up collaborative Sc2B projects, please join the Science Meets Business event on December 3rd.

16:00:   Login
16:05:   Presentations
              – Opening event by Arthur Willemsen
              – Opportunities for the region (councilor Van Esselbrugge)
              – Background/Update Healthy Brain Initiative (Guillén Fernández)
              – Successful partnership with Noldus IT (Lucas Noldus)
17:30:   Online networking

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you!

You will receive an email with login link a few days before the event.

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Contrastmiddel SPL ontdekt in vroeg stadium uitzaaiingen in de lymfklieren bij kanker

Het Nijmeegse SPL Medical, een spin-off van het Radboudumc, ontwikkelt een uniek MRI-contrastmiddel (Combidex) waarmee in een zeer vroeg stadium uitzaaiingen van kanker in de lymfklieren kunnen worden ontdekt. Het contrastmiddel is in het Radboudumc al succesvol toegepast bij honderden patiënten. Met een nieuwe investering door het Duitse b.e. imaging Gmbh en PPM Oost vanuit Topfonds Gelderland wil SPL Medical een Europese registratie voor de diagnostiek van uitzaaiingen in de lymfklieren bij prostaatkanker financieren.

Logo SPL

SPL Medical kan na registratie – een verplicht testtraject op patiënten dat naar verwachting drie tot vier jaar in beslag neemt – Combidex op de markt brengen. Ari Aminetzah, CEO van het Nijmeegse SPL Medical: ‘We kunnen hiermee Combidex naar de markt brengen. De commerciële beschikbaarheid van Combidex voor kankerpatiënten zal veel betere diagnostiek van kankermetastasen mogelijk maken. Dat zal levens redden en onnodig lijden bij patiënten voorkomen. Om die reden staan partijen uit de hele wereld te dringen om het middel te kunnen gebruiken.’

Volgens Pieter Rhemrev, adjunct-directeur van PPM Oost, kan de maatschappelijke impact van SPL Medical enorm zijn. ‘Prostaatkanker is de meest voorkomende kanker bij mannen. Alleen in Nederland zijn al circa 12.000 nieuwe gevallen per jaar. Veel lymfklier-metastasen worden vaak pas in een later stadium ontdekt, waardoor de overlevingskans daalt. Bovendien is de kwaliteit van leven bij deze groep patiënten erg slecht door bijwerkingen van therapie en emotionele stress. Vroegtijdige inschatting van de kans op lymfklier uitzaaiingen, is cruciaal voor een succesvolle behandeling. SPL Medical kan hierin een cruciale rol gaan spelen.’

Dirkjan Masman, directeur Valorisatie van het Radboudumc: “Innovatief onderzoek is vooral waardevol als het wordt omgezet in producten waar patiënten echt iets aan hebben. Het Radboudumc investeert zo actief mogelijk in dergelijke projecten en het is mooi als ze mede daardoor leiden tot investeringen uit de markt en concrete producten. Europese registratie van Combidex zou daar een prachtig voorbeeld van zijn.”

“We at the Bender Group are convinced that Ferumoxtran-10 will have a significant contribution to improve oncological MRI-diagnostics. On top, due to its Iron basis, Ferumoxtran-10 cannot be involved in the current hot topic of Gd-depositions caused by contrast agents based on Gadolinium.

Together with Radboud University Medical Center and PPM Oost, we are investing in the future of MR imaging agents’, says Dr. Jürgen Feuerstein, Managing Director of B.E. Imaging.

Extreem hoge nauwkeurigheid
Het Radboudumc, waar het contrastmiddel is verder ontwikkeld, heeft als enige ziekenhuis in Nederland toestemming om Combidex te gebruiken. Sinds 2014 is het al op meer dan zevenhonderd patiënten met vooral prostaatkanker toegepast. Bij die patiënten zijn geen noemenswaardige bijwerkingen ontstaan. Deze vorm van diagnostiek is zeer nauwkeurig, betrouwbaar en veilig, stelt Aminetzah. Europese registratie is daarom de volgende stap om het contrastmiddel voor veel meer patiënten beschikbaar te maken.

Combidex wordt bij patiënten, nadat de aanwezigheid van kanker is geconstateerd, via het bloed toegediend. 24 tot 36 uur later kunnen met een MRI de lymfkliermetastasen zichtbaar gemaakt worden. Aminetzah: ‘In vergelijking met bestaande diagnostiek heeft Combidex een extreem hoge nauwkeurigheid. We kunnen al uitzaaiingen zien van slechts 2 mm groot. Met de huidige diagnostische technieken moeten patiënten wachten tot die uitzaaiingen groeien tot 8 of 10 mm voordat ze kunnen worden geconstateerd en behandeld. Met onze Combidex zijn deze patiënten in een vroeger stadium en preciezer te behandelen.’

Europese registratie
Combidex werkt in principe voor alle solide tumoren die uitzaaien naar de lymfeklieren zoals bijvoorbeeld borstkanker. SPL Medical richt zich in eerste instantie op de registratie van Combidex voor prostaatkanker in Europa. Het Duitse b.e. imaging Gmbh, al aandeelhouder van SPL Medical en onderdeel van de Bender Gruppe GmbH, gaat de contrastvloeistof Combidex leveren in Duitsland, Zwitserland en Oostenrijk. Daarna zullen andere indicaties volgen.

Publication presentations SMB meeting ‘Early stage funding for innovative startups’ and Innoboot 2017

It is commonly known that the Dutch Centre of Entrepreneurship (RVO) offers a large variety of loans and grants for innovative entrepreneurs. But most of us have trouble finding the right loan/grant and hesitate to actually submit an application. Elke van de Graaf gave a good insight of the most suitable instruments for innovative startups and offered inside information and multiple tips&trics on how to increase the success rate of your application. Her presentation is now available on our website, should you have missed the meeting or wish to look at the information again.

We would like to thank the two entrepreneurs, Artur Steffen (GoClinic) and David Uhlenbroich (eDolly), who took the time to inform us of their personal journey in entrepreneurship, their achievements, but also their challenges in securing sufficient funding to meet their goals and targets.

We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of May 18, 2017 and for the publiation of the presentations from the two key note speakers of the Innoboot 2017 (April 11, 2017).

Slides from SMB meeting ‘Crossing borders; boost your health innovations!’ now available

We’re proud of yet another succesful SMB meeting that focused on crossing borders. The meeting was held on Tuesday January 24, 2017 at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen in close cooperation with our partners OostNV and Health Valley.

Did you know that OostNV can help boost your health innovation abroad through progams like Boost4Health and Interreg? And Health Valley has an extensive international network as well? All presentations are available on our website should you have missed the meeting or wish to look at the information again.

We would like to thank the two entrepreneurs, Laszlo Bax (Braingaze) and Ypke van Oosterhout (Xenikos), who took the time to share their international experiences (tips & trics, do’s and don’ts) with regards to venturing abroad. We would have never guessed it would take more than 5 months to open a bank account in a foreign country. Improvement is much needed here!

We finished off the meeting with drinks & bites and of course ample room for networking! Please click on this link to look back at the presentations of January 24, 2017.

170124 Xenikos foto170124 Braingaze foto

Presentaties SMB / RMTV meeting ‘Crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health’ beschikbaar

Het was zeker de moeite waard om de bijeenkomst van gisteren over crowdfunding in Life Sciences & Health bij te wonen. Wist u bijvoorbeeld dat in het afgelopen half jaar 86 miljoen euro is opgehaald in Nederland via crowdfunding? (bron: KvK). Steeds meer innovatieve ondernemers maken er gebruik van. Maar past het wel bij elke onderneming / product?

In drie boeiende presentaties werden we bijgepraat over de verschillende soorten crowdfunding, de juridische implicaties hiervan en wat het vergt het om succesvol te crowdfunden. Daarnaast leerden we van ervaringen van andere ondernemers (tips & tricks en do’s & don’ts) die ons voor gingen. En natuurlijk was er na afloop weer een gezellige borrel, waarin weer menig contact werd gelegd! Via deze link kunt u de presentaties nog even terugzien. De volgende SMB bijeenkomst is op 15 december a.s. We berichten u binnenkort weer over het programma.




Presentaties ‘From Molecule to Business’ beschikbaar

Health Valley en SMB kijken tevreden terug op een geslaagde herhaling van ‘From Molecule to Business’ op 29 september j.l. waarbij de focus dit jaar lag op de invloed van ondernemers op de gezondheidszorg en de synergie tussen de verschillende partijen in de waardeketen (van de gevestigde, grote bedrijven tot MKB, startups en de wetenschap. Klik op deze link om de presentaties (nogmaals) in te zien.

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